UI tests are flaky, especially when you run it on mobile devices. There are multiple factors that can lead to false-positive test results, if that happens you would want retry failed test before creating a bug.

In this blog post, we are going to add retry condition to Detox tests with Mocha, although this is a Mocha function and can be used with any other testing framework Appium, Selenium, etc.

Ok, here is our original test:

describe('My application spec', () => {


  it('should have a login screen', async () => {
    await expect(element(by.id('LoginScreen'))).toBeVisible();


So now we can add


and it should solve the problem. Well, not so fast, this doesn’t work in Mocha if you use arrow function (lambda), you would have to change it to a classic function before calling the retry. Here is how our final code will look like:

describe('My application spec', function() {


  it('should have a login screen', async () => {
    await expect(element(by.id('LoginScreen'))).toBeVisible();


Hope this post helps, feel free to post your questions, suggestions in the comments section below.